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Free Wen Ho Lee
Nanjing Massacre: large archive of photos and articles-
the largest collection of photos
Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War
Northern California based grassroots organization dedicated to preserve the truth of the painful history of the Sino-Japanese War (1931-1945).
WWW Memorial Hall of the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre
one of the best sites on the Nanjing Massacre
Call-In for Nanjing Masscre
contains audio and video information
Calgary ALPHA
(Association for Learning and Preserving History of WWII in Asia)
Commemoration the 60th Anniversary of The NanjingMassacre -
Princeton University
Nanjing Massacre Remembered
The Chinese Alliance for Commemoration of the Sino-Japanese War Victims, Hong Kong
Alliance In Memory Of The Victims Of The Nanjing Massacre
The Other Holocaust : Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731 & Unit 100
Iris Chang Papers--- Related website about her book: The Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs
Breaking the Silence-MetroActive News
Nanking 1937 The Other Holocaust
Sun Tzu's Newswire Web Page Japan's War Crimes: Nanjing Massacre
Japanese War Crimes -History We Will Never Forget
Nanjing Massacre
- great looking site
Memorials of the Past
Genocides and Human Rights Abuses-
Writings on the Atrocities
The Other Holocaust :Nanjing Massacre,Unit 731 & Unit 100
- sign the letter to keep Japan off the UN security counsel
A Half Century Of Denial
- Unit 731
Nanjing Massacre -The Other Side
Nanjing Massacre: The Other Side
presenting the idea that the
did not happen
Violence to Japanese History
the accepted version of the Nanking Massacre.